Get to know Ginger Simons!
Ginger teaches classes, works lights, writes lots of things, performs a ton, and is one of the directors for the upcoming One Acts, You May Also Enjoy…
We asked her a few questions, and here is what she has to say…
Experience: I started acting with Limelight with Macbeth (2013), and since then have gotten the opportunity to work all sides of theatrical productions, including writing, adapting, tech work, teaching, and directing. After a few handfuls of radio play adaptations and collaborative writing projects, my first big writing venture was writing A Textbook Case of Larceny (2015). Since my solo-directing debut in 2016 with A Christmas Carol, I’ve had several wonderful experiences directing one-acts and summer productions. I have played some part in a majority of productions since joining the company, and I look forward to many more years of doing the same.
My favorite thing to share with Limelight participants is technical and practical knowledge about how productions run and what all goes into creating a show. By knowing about all of the different elements that make up a stage production, one can be a more well-rounded actor, writer, AND director. You can never know too much about something you love.
A memory: This was technically during a show I was directing, but at an early rehearsal Christmas Carol, I definitely set off the burglar alarm at the Little White School Museum and law enforcement had to come and make sure that I wasn’t trying to break in. I hope to go down in Limelight history as the first director who ever accidentally had the cops summoned to a rehearsal. Oops.
Dream role: I don’t have the chops for any of my dream roles (and I’ve made peace with this), but I absolutely love Jane Wager’s one-woman show “The Search For Intelligent Life in the Universe.” I’d love to write something like it.