Matthew Kackert shared his talents with Limelight between 2011 and 2018. Some of his first and last performances were in productions of Beauty and the Beast, playing the titular Beast in the play version and Belle’s father, Maurice, in the Disney musical. His amazing range allows him to play everything from rough and tough to sweet and tender. His humor and light shined in each performance. We hope his experience with Limelight continues to serve him in his future artistic endeavors!
What was your first show?
Beauty and The Beast
What is your favorite show that you did or part that you played with Limelight?
Drowsy Chaperone (Gangster 1)
Did you participate in Limelight with a family member? What was that experience like?
Yes, for a couple shows. It was an experience we both loved sharing with each other.
Most memorable Limelight experience?
Anytime I had to improv something on the spot because something unplanned happened.
What is something you learned from Limelight?
How to express myself and have the absolute confidence I need to perform on a stage.
What does Limelight mean to you?
A place where any- and everyone can come and participate in something more than one’s self. A place of acceptance.
What are you doing now? How did Limelight help prepare you for that?
I am an artist. I write and perform my own music. Limelight helped me with the confidence and stage presence I need to do my job successfully.
What is your advice for other theater artists?
Remember your responsibilities, but never forget to have fun.