We want to send a hearty congratulations and THANK YOU to our Managing Director, Laurie Nevills. Laurie will be celebrating her 10th anniversary as a staff member with the Limelight Theatre Company this month, though she has been a part of the program since the beginning. Laurie’s three children all participated in Limelight in different ways including writing, directing, tech work, and acting, and she joined them in the process as a parent volunteer. As her children grew up and started working toward their own careers, Laurie continued to share her talents with Limelight.
Her experience in interior design has helped bring sets and props to life. She brings a balance of creativity and structure to the design process, and helps with the nuts and bolts of producing shows in a variety of different venues. Nowadays, she keeps our storage facility packed with costumes, props, set pieces and tech equipment organized, coordinates set builds and load in/outs, organizes bake sales, and works Front of House. She also serves as the resident “Finder” of all things quirky or obscure. Need a rocking chair? Laurie can get you one. Need to make a robot prop that lights up? Laurie knows where to procure the pieces. She not only thinks outside the box, she’ll turn the box into the next thing you need!
You may not realize it, but Laurie’s hand print is on everything that Limelight does. She is one of the behind the scenes heroes of our organization, and every once in a while, we like to shine the spotlight on her. Thank you, Laurie, for your years of hard work and dedication, and we look forward to many more!