In this radio play adaptation of Charles Dickens’ classic novel, we travel to New York City during the 1929 Christmas season. Ebenezer Scrooge is a cynical old curmudgeon with little patience for the holiday cheer all around him. After a Christmas Eve visit from several spirits takes him to a bustling Italian neighborhood, a speakeasy, the docks, and the homes of coworkers and family, Scrooge must confront his own beliefs and isolationism, and discover for himself the true meaning of the holidays.
There are two great ways to enjoy this audio adventure this season:
- Listen Over the Radio – Tune into WSPY 107.1 at 6:00pm on December 24
- Digital Download – “Buy a Ticket” to this show for $5 which provides you with a link to download the audio file and listen any time you like, all season long. Digital downloads available 12/15-1/4.
View the program here.